Devoted to making better vibration plates

Vibration Plate FAQ

Types of vibration plates

Vibration plates can be distinctly categorized into four types based on their mechanics and vibration characteristics.

Linear vibrationLinear Vibration
pivotal oscillation Pivotal Oscillation
Mix pattern vibration 3D/4D Oscillation
Other Rare Types Low-Intensity

Click the link below for details.

Linear Vibration vs Pivotal Oscillation

Linear vibration plates and pivotal oscillation plates are the most commonly chosen types of vibration plates. Their distinct movement patterns and vibration characteristics result in significantly different physical and physiological effects on the human body.

Click the link below to learn the differences.

Frequency, amplitude, and G-force?

Frequency and amplitude are the two fundamental parameters that describe vibration movement.

Vibration acceleration (G-force) is calculated value from these parameters and serves as a measure of vibration intensity.

Exercises to perform on a vibration plate

Many of the core exercises that we regularly perform can be duplicated on a vibration plate to achieve more advanced results.

Click the link below for our recommendations.

Risks associated with using vibration plates

The risks associated with using vibration plates have not been thoroughly studied or well-documented.

Clinical trial based scientific studies support that proper use of vibration plate does not pose a health hazard. However, a cautious and risk-averse approach is always recommended.

Individuals with certain medical conditions may not be suited for using a vibration plate.

The risks also depend on the type of vibration plate, its movement pattern, parameters, as well as the exercise poses used.

Click the link below to learn about who should avoid using vibration plates, potential negative experiences, associated risks, and hazardous aspects of their use.

Vibration plate shakes house

The use of a vibration plate at home can pose a risk of structural damage to the house due to the mechanical effects of vibration.

Vibration plate should be used on a solid floor that can resist vibration. Anti-vibration cushion is recommended for some situations.

Avoid using a vibration plate in a mobile home or on the upper floor of a wood-frame structure house.

Click the link below for details about vibration plate can affect your house.

Is vibration therapy a pseudo-science?

The physical and physiological influences that vibration can have on our body are science facts. These influences can certainly be utilized as treatment interventions for various health improvement.

However, sellers and manufacturers often resort to pseudo-science to promote their vibration plates, sometimes even fabricating illogical claims. Many of them are successful with their pseudu-science approach, because many customers tend to believe pseudo-science, which often appears as an effortless solution.

Say you want to get rid of your belly fat, right? How about shake it off in a swift manner by just hopping onto a vibration plate 5 minutes a day?

Such a statement has no scientific base, but customers buy it, becuase it sounds so easy, just to

Shake it off Shake it off Shake it off ......

Is vibration therapy scientifically approved?

Scientific research on vibration therapy has been gaining momentum in recent years, yet there is still a lack of consistent results proving its efficacy across various modalities, and no documented guidelines exist for any specific applications.

How does vibration therapy work?

Vibration plates provide a unique mechanical intervention that effectively activates and exercises the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. The rapidly repeated skeletal muscle contractions induced by vibration enhance muscle training and stimulate connective tissues, promoting cellular regeneration within these tissues.

The dynamic muscle contractions also create an efficient skeletal muscle pump, improving peripheral circulation and microcirculation.

The combined effects of vibration therapy enable advanced outcomes that traditional physical therapy or mainstream medicine often cannot achieve.

Click the link below to explore our comprehensive hypothesis on how vibration therapy works.

Does a vibration plate help lose weight?

The concept that vibration can shake off fat is unfounded. It is a marketing hype that many manufacturers and sellers use without a science logic.

Vibration exercise, like other physical exercises, can improve overall health conditions, contributing to weight management. However, it's important to note that losing weight is not the primary purpose of vibration exercise.

Read our insight through the link below.

Common misconceptions about vibration plate
  1. Vibration plates are complicated machines.
  2. Vibration plates are high tech products.
  3. The parameters of vibration plate are proprietary information.
  4. The efficacy of vibration plate is scientifically approved.
  5. Vibration motion pattern, the more complex the better.
  6. Vibration plate with 180 speed levels runs faster than vibration plate with 60 speed levels.
  7. A 10 minute vibration exercise equals a 60 minute jogging.
Quality issues of VT vibration plate
  1. Control circuit burned or malfunction due to inferior electronic components or soldering problems.
  2. Fuse burned due to power surge or circuit issue.
  3. Machine assemblies becomes loose due to the vibration, usually indicated by excessive mechanical noises.
  4. Motor burned or motor carbon brush wear-out shortly.
  5. Parts broken due to material fatigue over time.
  6. Remote control issues

Quality issues listed in 3, 4, 5 rarely happen in VT series vibration plates.

Where to order VT replacement parts?

You can order replacement parts from our website. All replacement parts are free of charge, free shipping for any US destinations, a flat shipping charge of $25 for all most other countries where FedEx services.

We keep sufficient inventory of replacement parts in our Minnesota warehouse for instant order, usually shipped the same day or the next day.

Replacement parts are available for at least 10 years after the vibration plate is sold.

Vibration plate can jump or drift on the floor

If there is no body weight on a vibration plate, when the frequency reaches a certain level, the vibration force can overcome the machine weight and cause the machine to jump or drift on the floor.

Pivotal oscillation plate has a higher amplitude so it appears more like jumping on the floor. Linear vibration plate has a lower amplitude, so it appears as drifting on the floor, similar to a cell phone drifting on the desk on its own vibration.

This is not an issue as long as you keep your body on the machine when it is running.

VT vibration plates come with suction cup style rubber feet which can hold onto a flat floor. However sometimes the floor is not so smooth and clean and the suction feet may not function well.

We recommend using a vibration plate on a carpeted floor. The carpet provides some buffer and friction that can prevent the machine from jumping or drifting.

Always stay on your vibration plate when it is running. Never leave your machine running unattended.

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